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Jesus said to him, “Because you have seen Me, have you believed? Blessed are they who did not see, and yet believed.” John 20:29       Note: Many will say […]

Glenn Beck and Keith Ablow’s book, The Seven Wonders That Will Change Your Life, alternates chapters by Beck with those by Dr. Ablow. Beck reveals a painful past struggling with his […]

The Wisdom Pattern is the next to latest book from Richard Rohr as of this writing (February 2021). It is a revised edition of a 2001 book, Hope against Darkness: The Transforming […]

This is an evaluation and critique of Richard Rohr’s The Universal Christ, not a book review. I am unable to comment on all the ideas found in the book, so […]

Everything is Sacred: 40 Reflections on the Universal Christ (Convergent Books, 2021, hardback edition), is based on Richard Rohr’s Universal Christ book, and written in the voice of Richard Rohr’s co-author Patrick Boland, […]

(First published in Midwest Christian Outreach Journal) Learning to see energy around plants and people, feeling that the universe is an extension of your body, being guided by whatever might first […]

“It is I who made the earth, and created man upon it. I stretched out the heavens with My hands And I ordained all their host.” Isaiah 45:12 (All scripture quotations are […]

John Philip Newell, who runs a spiritual community in Iona, Scotland,  as well as The School of Earth and Soul in the United States (Colorado and Virginia), has become well […]

Rob Bell’s book, Love Wins, reached number one status on Amazon and made quite a splash due to its controversial proposals indicating Rob Bell is not on the same page on […]

This is an observation and evaluation of key spiritual themes and statements in this book, and is not a standard review. The book is a compilation of several lectures given […]