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ASTROLOGY   Q. In Matthew, Chapter 2, weren’t the Magi who came to see Jesus astrologers? Does this mean astrology is okay? What was the star of Bethlehem?   The Magi […]

Self exists only as an idea. In reality, there are just transient moments of mental and physical experience — there is nothing that continues on, no controlling entity, no fixity p. […]

Glenn Beck and Keith Ablow’s book, The Seven Wonders That Will Change Your Life, alternates chapters by Beck with those by Dr. Ablow. Beck reveals a painful past struggling with his […]

The church was founded by Jesus Christ, and he is the cornerstone. The church has a supernatural dimension due to its Founder, and because all believers, who are indwelt by […]

First published in Midwest Outreach Christian Journal, Fall 2008; title and article modified for CANA website   On March 3rd, 2008, Oprah Winfrey and Eckhart Tolle began an online class with […]

I was involved in meditation and Tibetan Buddhism in the late 1970s before I immersed myself in Zen Buddhism and astrology. Tibetan meditation and singing bowls were certainly fringe at […]

The injection of Shamanism, Buddhism, and Psychic Healing into Mainstream Medical Care By Marcia Montenegro, April 2010 A circular advertising several yoga classes (including Vinyasa Yoga, in which one asana […]

The New Age can best be described as a network of beliefs. It borrows from and synthesizes many views: Gnostic, Eastern Spirituality, and New Thought.         Gnostic […]

[Note: The writer formerly practiced Tibetan Buddhist, Zen Buddhist, and Hindu meditation, as well as visualization and psychic techniques taught to her by those deeply involved in those traditions. She […]

The following is an account of a talk and meditation session led by Rev. Thomas Keating in 2005 (Keating died in 2018). This is based on my notes and observations […]