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One of the worst things to do is to make the Bible say sometthing it does not say. It is also deceptive to talk about neuroscience when one is not quailfied to do so. Yet CAROLINE LEAF does both of these things, and more, misleading thousands of people through her talks and books.

Breaking It Down Visualization is more than using imagination. It is a technique that exploits imagination in the belief that it can bring about a result merely through the imagination […]

The Immanuel Approach is only one of many versions of contemplative and Inner Healing practices promoted for “emotional healing” that uses contemplative methods. The page for the Immanuel Approach examined […]

For the past two decades, the popularity of what are called the “spiritual disciplines” has grown at a breathless rate. Some in-depth responses are already on this website, so this […]

Scazzero has a habit of imposing his own experiences and feelings on Scripture as well on all Christians. In this book, he makes broad generalizations, such as all Christians “wear masks,” Christians do not know how to deal with their emotions, and most Christians were not raised in healthy families. It was hard not to write, “speak for yourself!” in the margins of many pages in this book.
There are so many serious issues with this book, it is quite distressing that it is being recommended by many pastors and church leaders. I am not addressing all content of the book, only points related to my areas of my ministry or of obvious concern. Scazzero does offer some good insights in the book, but they are overshadowed by too many troubling statements.

Ezekiel had a “severe alteration of consciousness” when he had his vision in Ezekiel 8. This explains, according to Mackie, the alleged different views of reality Ezekiel and other biblical characters had, and their other “states of consciousness” (starting around 49 min.). This did not need to be spelled out to anyone when the Bible was written, claims Mackie, because they all “took it for granted.” I do not think there is evidence for this in the text; furthermore, I think that seeking such states as well as the belief in “different levels of reality” is contra God and the Bible. A forthcoming article will address this issue and attempt to explain why this is not compatible with Scripture.

Our reality, claims Mackie, is constructed from our experiences (starting around 50 min.) in which we develop “coping mechanisms” and so “what we experience as reality is a result of these shields we build up for years and years.” Whereas we take our dreams as fantasy and what happens during the day as reality, the biblical authors have “the opposite view,” asserts Mackie.

  This article includes concerns with Michael Heiser, John Mark Comer, and Gregory Boyd, all influences on Bible Project’s Tim Mackie         Five points of concerns are […]

New Thought

  “Thoughts are things.” “Believe it and receive it.” “Think positive.”   What do Helen Keller, “Queen of Affirmations” Louise Hay, Dr. Oz, Oprah, the editors of the Chicken Soup […]

“Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His […]

Haven’t read part 1 and part 2? read them before reading this one Beyond contemplative prayer: back to God’s word   Reflecting on God’s word, in the sense of thinking […]