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After someone sent me the Renovare Bible (now called the Life With God Bible) several years ago, I looked through it and made notes of troubling things I came across.  […]

Scazzero and Rohr Due to being asked about Peter Scazzero, author of The Emotionally Healthy Church and Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, a number of times, I watched three videos for this […]

Yoga has become so well packaged as an exercise that people even believe this was the original intent of yoga, often calling yoga “stretching exercises.” People in the U.S. and […]

Haven’t read part 1 and part 2? read them before reading this one Beyond contemplative prayer: back to God’s word   Reflecting on God’s word, in the sense of thinking […]

[First published in the Midwest Christian Journal, Spring/Summer 2006; modified for website March, 2008] Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving. Col. 4:2 NASB […]

More exposure is needed of the teachings behind the Contemplative practices surging through the church, an area I have researched and written on since the late 1990s. The first part […]

ASTROLOGY   Q. In Matthew, Chapter 2, weren’t the Magi who came to see Jesus astrologers? Does this mean astrology is okay? What was the star of Bethlehem?   The Magi […]

Yoga in India is taught and practiced in many forms because there are various forms of yoga. In this country, we most often encounter hatha yoga, the physical form of […]